Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Dear "Friend",

You have visited me faithfully for most of my life. Every month you make sure that you come around. You may not always be prompt, often running several days late. I forgive you. I know that the last time you came to visit, we cursed you and wished you away (you have to admit you were a little irritating and had horrible timing). On behalf of my Hubs and I, we apologize whole heartedly. I will never ask you to leave pre-maturely again. I swear. If I go back on my promise just remember this letter (plea). Please come back. You are running further behind than usual. I am really starting to worry. I am afraid that if you don't return soon, my loving husband will sign me up for the local co-ed Hockey team. It won't matter though, because I will most likely be unavailable as I will be secured in the nearest mental facility. Come back. Hurry! I need you. WE NEED YOU!

-Your Desperate Friend,

p.s. if you are wondering the reason for the urgency, please note the blog a few posts down. Thank you.

And all my SITStas and bloggy friends don't forget to enter the giveaway if you haven't already(even if you have)!! CUPCAKEY GOODNESS!!!


  1. Hugs!!!

    It's not easy, but it's worth it.

    (handing you a muffin...outta cupcakes, sorry!)

  2. stopping by from SITS.
    very cute blog......oh and adorable kids too!!!! ;0)

  3. Stopping by from SITS. Your blog is so original! I love your posts!

  4. yeah well, we must have a mutual friend. she must have come by my house instead of yours... about a week early, just in time for our weekend on the beach )=
    hopefully she is just off schedule and will be heading your way soon!

  5. stopping by from SITS! I totally love you hubs is in the Air Force too! I understand the worry..I havn't had mine for 5 years (one day it just stopped) and it can be very frusturating! I hope it comes soon!

  6. Hi there SITStah! Yea, it's hard when we have love/hate relationships with our 'friends'. Hang in there! Hope you have a great day!

  7. Here from SITS/love your blog. or cupcakes, not sure which. Anyway, "love!"

  8. I plan on scrolling down to confirm if this letter is asking what I think it's asking....and I completely UNDERSTAND the looney bin reference. If my friend were to NOT make a visit on its schedule, I would probably jump out the window. Literally. Happy Thursday! LOL

  9. sucks for you sis!! but fancy that....mine's due aaaaaany minute! eat some chocolate for me!

  10. lol, you are too funny! cute post!
    i hope you don't end up at the looney bin, need your humor here ;)

  11. uh-oh does this mean you might be having something that starta with a b & rhymes with ...crap couldn't think of a word..what rhymes with baby? LMAO

  12. Thanks for all the kind and funny(I mean supportive) words my dears! Seriously, Im so not cool with this. Aparently she hasn't recieve my plea yet. I have faith that she wont let me down (oh please please dont let me down!!)...

  13. Hi huns, are you participating in the VGNO?

  14. Stopping by from SITS to share the blog ♥ !

    Have a great Saturday!

  15. Uh oh. Are you increasing your spider killing population?? YIKES!!! I have had dreams of this, and in the end I jump off a cliff or step in front of a bus. I that seriously DO NOT want any more little freaks of nature running around my house and giving me heck on a regular basis.

    That freaks me out more than spiders!!!


Words From the Peanut Gallery: