Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Channeling Joan Crawford

Ya know? Mommy Dearest? Today has just been ONE OF THOSE DAYS! I think Mommy needs a time out. I'm getting a little one right now because they are both unconscious. Tre only fell asleep because he was so exhausted from yet another frantic explosive rage. So here is what I'm thinking after the day we have had: Mommy needs an anger tool box too. It should consist of a bottle of wine, a box of Godiva, a Vin Diesel movie (any one will do), Valium, I would say a cupcake but it just wouldn't keep, and Last but not least, Harry Potters invisibility Cloak (wouldn't that be handy?).


  1. One of those days...I know one of those days too. They usually happen right after dinner and I'm all "IS IT BEDTIME YET????" Hope improvements come with your *medication* :)

    Thanks for comming by TAG!!

  2. I'm so there everyday! Aren't kids just grand, but we love em. You should see my post on my blog and read my own comment to myself regarding I child proofed my house, but he still keeps getting back in. LOL i think we are both "there"

  3. Oh man, I'm not quite mommy yet, but this is going in my "one day" vault and I will definitely have a tool box ready to go (=

  4. i feel your pain sister! i tried posting mine for free on craigslist, but still no takers.

  5. hey sis...i gave you an award =)


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