I'm Pretty Excited about it. I'm going to make me one Just like it sometime today. I can't resist. I mean OBVIOUSLY. It's cupcakes! *CHEESE*
I'm Pretty Excited about it. I'm going to make me one Just like it sometime today. I can't resist. I mean OBVIOUSLY. It's cupcakes! *CHEESE*
Good Luck! (ok not really I want to win! )
You Make me Blush! Ok... not really I don't blush easily, but I do have a big cheeeezy Grin on my face so that counts right? Thanks again my dear!
Now, I have been absent from blogging and even from ROLL-calling on SITS most days. My Mom has been here and we have been busy and having a good time! I have been gazing longingly at my computer now and again, and feel the tug. However the brief moments I could spend on it without feeling rude were about long enough to check e-mail. If you were seriously offended, I'm sorry, but you will probably get over it soon, right?
So this week we went fishing again! This time out on the Row boats. It was a great time and I even caught this BABY!! Woooo hooo! The only fish of any real size caught that day was caught by the MASTER. aka : ME! My very own CATFISH! He was floppin' all over the friggen place and snapped my line! =) And this guy right here below was all up our butts and seriously wanted snacks. He came right up and grabbed a French Fry directly out of my hand and took a taste of my finger while he was at it! He must have known I was sweet.
Speaking of SWEET, how flippin' precious is this?! I'm going to keep this forever to show them later when they are near murdering one another.
Last but not least I made something for my awesome Sis in-law. And Let me just say, I LOOOOOOOOVE IT! I told her she better love it too and that if she doesn't she better PRETEND! I was walking through the store and saw something that immediately made me think of her, so I KNEW what I had to do. I had to bust out some creativity and make her something flippin' awesome. I cant wait to Mail it out TOMORROW! I have some pics of it, so let me share...
HAHAHAH! YEAH RIGHT! NOT gunna happen Alicia! You have to wait chica! And apparently so do the rest of you! I'm off to go exercise with the HUBS so I'm outta here! I will catch up some more tomorrow with all you lovelies =)
Cute right? Harmless little hand painted eggs. Wonder whats inside?! My Daughter did too!! So I have these on a shelf, behind glass and I was sitting on the computer (probably on blogger, woops) and she says "Momma, What are they DOING ?", so I look over because I have no idea what she is talking about and this is what I see :
YUP!!! Cute, right?! Not soooo much.
She had this adorable couple off the egg and in her hand.
I'm Speechless for a moment. So she asks again: "Mom!! WHAT ARE THEY doing? " So I respond: "He is rubbing her back baby", "Why Mom?", "Uh um, because her back hurts", "Why Mom?", "I don't KNOW, it just does", "But what are they doing?", "He is rubbing her back"...... Little Miss is in the WHY stage big time so we had to go through this a couple of times. AHHHHH. HE IS JUST RUBBING HER BACK!!! lol I didn't yell at her really, I did however stress the importance of NOT getting into that cabinet because things are breakable! *shakes head*, I mean really. Of all the things for her to see. I'm really hoping that she forgets about them!! I didn't want my lovely Mom-In Law to miss out on the milestone, so I called her to tell her what went down. And to thank her for such a sweet moment. She thought it was pretty freakin hilarious!! (ok it kinda was). She is sure that it will be forgotten. We'll see if the little SPONGE that is my daughter mentions it again. So thanks to the dirty adolescent mind of my hubby (who OBVIOUSLY didn't forget about them), his Moms generosity, and my Blogger Addiction , my daughter has a totally screwed up idea of what a back rub looks like!!!