Lets move on to reason number two that this is going to be a roller coaster ride. I am the worlds most unorganized person. Seriously. You don't want to see my house. I don't even want to see my house. The number one reason I am lookin at the computer screen instead: Your Blogs are much prettier than my living room. Oh did I say living room? I meant laundry basket. Cause that's where all the clean clothes go for the rest of their days as clean clothes. They rarely make it to the closets. I am known to be running around the house last min trying to find a sock, or a shoe for one of the kids. Oh and where the hell are my keys!!? "Adrianna!!!! Where is my LIP GLOSS?!!". Damnit I need to iron pants! Ugh. And seriously, I have LITERALLY had to take a pair of underwear for my son OUT of the WASHER and IRON them dry so the kid didn't have to go commando to school. Yup, I'm a slacker. SOOOOO not your Wonder MOM. The opposite of domestic Goddess. I never imagined I would be this way. And my escape is supposed to be going back to school?!! Somehow I think this will backfire. Ok most definitely it will. Do they hypnotize people into organized human beings? Because if so, COUNT ME IN!! I would like my entry way to look like this:

My Pantry This:

My closets This:

With everything in its place (that of course would mean things HAD a place, not just wherever I happen to drop it). Oh yeah, I am going to ROCK this college thing! Hahahahah! Oy Vey. I have tried to get organized like this but can never do it!!
Reason number three is actually not so bad. I'm freakin out over leaving my baby girl. She will be 4 in February. But I have been a stay at home mom for over 7 years and leaving my kids is like ripping an arm off. Even if it is an arm I don't particularly like 100% of the time. JUST kidding (sorta). I love my kids, being a MOM is my life. But I am at the point where I don't want it to be MY ONLY life. I also don't want to lose the quality time I have with the kiddos. So how do I balance it all and not go crazy? Drink Heavily You Say?! That I can do...
Peoples whos houses look like that all the time aren't really people. They're crab people from outter space ;)
ReplyDeleteThat's awesome your going back to school! I wish I had the guts to do it.
Things have a way of working out the way they're supposed to, even if it never seems like it at the time.
Where did you find those pictures?
ReplyDeletemy house is a huge mess also, but I figure that the cuteness of my kids makes up for my lack in the housework department.
-Great venting post!
see me at www.frogparenting.blogspot.com
My grandmother had the best sayings ever. Her house wan't exactly tidy. She used to say, "Show me a person with a clean home and I'll show you a person with very few interests." (or some version of that)
ReplyDeleteMakes me feel better when my house is a wreck - hey I'm a very interesting person!
Funny, I just blogged about laundry. I guess we're all feeling the fall stress!
Good luck with your son - don't worry (too much) about your house, you interesting person you!
I just met you and I can tell you that what you may lack in organizational skills you totally make up for in badassness.
I'd love to be that organized, but it seems like things in real-life are not as easy to categorize. It's the "other" categories that always get me (and pile up on my desk).
ReplyDeletelol Girl, Tre loves going commado! Even though I do remember picking that boy up a pack or 2 of undies. hehe Oh, and one more thing, I don't remember me giving you permission to use those pics of my house! :D