Monday, October 12, 2009
Crazy Busy
Friday, September 25, 2009
I take it all back...
But It was too late. The words were spoken and apparently someone was listening. If I knew I would have asked for something much cooler.
This Morning, day 5 of "preschool" for my baby, she decides she is not going. When she woke up she was all stoked to go. So we take her brother to school, and then across the street for hers. We pull in and she says "I don't WANT to go to school today." So I say, "you have to baby, Mommy has to go to school too." She says: "I don't want to. I QUIT!" you quit? What? who is this kid? We proceeded to walk into the center and to her class. She is still telling me she doesn't want to go. On we walk. We get in, put her back pack in her cubby and she goes to wash her hands. I look at her face in the mirror, and true to her little sweet self, she is trying not to cry. Forcing her self to hold it in. She always does that. She doesn't want to cry so she tries to stop. She even did this when she burned herself on my curling iron. YEAH. Wiping the tears off her own face telling me she is fine... Anyway, so I look at her, tears welling up in her eyes, lip trembling, cheeks getting red, and ask "Baby, Whats wrong?" And she loses it. She starts crying. "I don't want to be in school, I just want to go home. I want to be with you". I try to explain again that Mommy has to go to school just like her and her brother and Just like daddy has to go to work everyday. She isn't having it. "I don't WANT you to go to school. I want to go home" she cries pitifully.
This just rips my heart out. Because the one major thing about me going back to school that KILLS me, is this. That she isn't going to be with me. That someone else is going to be taking care of her all day long. Starting next week she is going to be going 2 hours earlier. Talk about making you feel like a giant pile of crap.
I held her while she cried into my hair. Crying like she rarely does. Not the I'm throwing a fit because I'm not getting what I want crying, because she does that. Very Well. This was the I'm really sad and upset, why have you done this to me kind of crying. I tried to get her into doing things with her new friends. She seemed ok for a second and them BAM... the sobbing starts again. Her teacher takes her to the WAVING WINDOW where she holds her while she is sobbing and crying for me and I'm supposed walk out the door. Past the window looking at her with a lump in my throat. She is reaching out for me crying "MOMMY!!!".
I sat in the car crying for a while. Just thinking "WTF was I thinking?" Why the FRIG did I ask for this again?" I take it back. Please lets not have this happen again. Let her forget about me as soon as she walks through the door. I'm fine with that. Just not this. Not the GIANT heaping pile of guilt. No more heartbreaking tears from my baby. Please. I WAS KIDDING!!! Yes people. Be careful. Very careful what you wish for. You just might get it.
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Just CRY already!
It didn't last long though did it? Give you a paint brush and some glue and you are happy as pie. Who needs parents? "Bye Dad!! Love you!". A kiss and a wave for mom, and you were just fine with us walking out that door. "Um hello!! We are leaving!? Don't you want to throw yourself at my legs now , clinging on and begging me not to go? "
Well, at least one of us shed some tears. Mom barely made it to the car. I tried like hell not to. But you are my BABY. And someone else is going to be hangin out with you during the day and probably entertaining you better than I do. And I am going to be home all alone for the next week ( a shame I know), wandering the house wishing you were here (or taking a nap, whatever).
Sunday, September 20, 2009
Wanna Ride Bikes?
"Wanna Ride bikes?" *she says looking away absentmindedly*
HAHAHAH!!! Funny right? And oh so freakin true. Only in our case today it was :How many 7 year old kids with ADHD does it take to learn how to ride a bike?
"What kind of bug is that? I have to blow my nose. Look at the rock on the ground. I'm thirsty, what was that sound?"
Yep you heard right, my 7 year old still has yet to learn how to ride a bike. Why? Not for lack of trying. Although, we did give up for a while just to save our sanity and to prevent him from getting hit by a car or running into a parked one. This was WITH training wheels people. Yeah. The kid couldn't look straight ahead. He actually showed interest in Riding today *GASP* and asked to take the training wheels off. Might have something to do with the fact that he is grounded from Video games, but I'll take it. SOOOOO Today we took the training wheels off!! It was an adventure. No broken limbs or gaping flesh wounds. So all in all, a good time. He actually did pretty well for his first day sans training wheels. I'm pretty proud. Thank you Adderall. Although, the above made up joke... about the bugs and such? Yeah that was today. Even on the meds! lol That's my BOY!!! And his poor scrawny body (probably partly due to the wonderful Adderall) had a hard time with the whole pushing of the pedals. Skinny skinny gamer child *shakes head*. Little sister didn't help much trying to RAM into him every chance she got on her little trike. Such a little snot! lol We still have a lot of work to do to get him able to ride on his own. Without us there to catch him. And to learn how to TURN. But good day none the less. I even let him fall a couple of times so he could learn how to catch himself. THAT was actually kinda hard. But like I said, he came out IN TACT so no harm done. Right?
Another Milestone tomorrow. Baby girls first day in "preschool" aka Childcare. I'm freaking out a little. This is my BABY. And its making me want ANOTHER baby cause she is growing up too fast. But I don't WANT another baby really, so I'm just going to have to suck it up and cry in private. Plus she needs to go so I can go back to school full time (next week EEK), and she needs some interaction with other kids now that she is almost 4! Time to cut the cord a little huh? It's bad. The only people who have ever babysat my kids are our parents and a close friend or 2 a hand full of times. And by hand full I mean I can probably count them on one hand. Really. I'm a little nuts like that sometimes. I blame the military life. Really, it can't be me. Its just that we aren't USED to people being around to count on so we count on ourselves. So, like I said. TOTALLY the fault of the MIL life. Anyway, Wish me luck tomorrow. Hope she has a good day and she can pry me off of her when its time to leave. Its supposed to be the other way around. I know. So sue me.
Thursday, September 17, 2009
I Follow you home every night.....

Monday, September 14, 2009
What? Another Apron?

Saturday, September 12, 2009
Somethings Gotta Give
Lets move on to reason number two that this is going to be a roller coaster ride. I am the worlds most unorganized person. Seriously. You don't want to see my house. I don't even want to see my house. The number one reason I am lookin at the computer screen instead: Your Blogs are much prettier than my living room. Oh did I say living room? I meant laundry basket. Cause that's where all the clean clothes go for the rest of their days as clean clothes. They rarely make it to the closets. I am known to be running around the house last min trying to find a sock, or a shoe for one of the kids. Oh and where the hell are my keys!!? "Adrianna!!!! Where is my LIP GLOSS?!!". Damnit I need to iron pants! Ugh. And seriously, I have LITERALLY had to take a pair of underwear for my son OUT of the WASHER and IRON them dry so the kid didn't have to go commando to school. Yup, I'm a slacker. SOOOOO not your Wonder MOM. The opposite of domestic Goddess. I never imagined I would be this way. And my escape is supposed to be going back to school?!! Somehow I think this will backfire. Ok most definitely it will. Do they hypnotize people into organized human beings? Because if so, COUNT ME IN!! I would like my entry way to look like this:

Tuesday, September 8, 2009
I Get Around

*she Blushes*.... Gee, thanks! I'm honored! But don't tell my husband. He might feel that the blog is taking away some ,eghm, HIM time. hehehe NEVER!!! A little reverse roofies and I have all the time in the world!! *wink* Now the Trick is...who do I award this oh so sexy version of this award to? hmmm
Well I'll go ahead and pass it on to My girl Jules . Check her out. She is a super cute girl and a newlywed documenting her new life with her man!
And I even though I know she gave me the other version of this I'm going to have to pass it to Melissa! She never fails to crack me up, and sometimes thats just what you need. And I still like her even though she won my sister in Law Alicias award! I soooo wanted that damn it!
And I think I will also pass this on to my new found blog friend Leigh!! We have only known each other for about 5 mins, but that was about how long it took for me to love her blog! Check her out! Oh and she came up with this next award that I am soooooo taking for my own! Thanks girlie!
And this award goes to.... ME!!!!
because really, I do love my own damn blog. And why can't we pat ourselves on our backs now and again? *pat pat*
Now I'm off to go wipe my daughters nasty behind. Again. A thankless job that I have NEVER received an award for. I think I should come up with one of those. Maybe :"Magnificent Mud Butt Mopper" award. I like the word magnificent. I think I will use it more often when describing myself. Yup, that'll do.
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Headed to Hershey!
Friday, August 28, 2009
Sewing As Stress Relief
I'm Pretty Excited about it. I'm going to make me one Just like it sometime today. I can't resist. I mean OBVIOUSLY. It's cupcakes! *CHEESE*
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Reverse Roofies

Sunday, August 23, 2009
Trashy Barbie

So she finishes little man's hair and I loved the cut. YAY! Cant wait go get mine started. He has his DS with him so I know he will be fine while I get my hair done too. We talk about what to do and I told her I wanted it as close to Carrie's color as possible. Do whatever you need to. So she asks "You want it blonde all over or do you want low lights?" I tell her I don't really want low lights just blonde. Well, what was in my head and on the picture EVIDENTLY wasn't in hers. Cause she comes back and proceeded to put straight bleach on my head. I started to PANIC. I asked her if maybe we should leave a few strands a little darker in the front so it's not so harsh on my face. My last ditch attempt as saving my hair. Well she haphazardly left out some of my own hair color in "low lights". Ha! Well my hair was developing at a rapid rate, so she finished. After what felt like waaaay to long. Then I sit, for longer. When she is rinsing my hair, she and the owner were oooooing and aaaahhhing over the color and how perfect it turned out and how NOT brassy it was. *Sigh of relief*. I was so glad. I was worried. She told me is was a huge change so don't look until she is done. I agreed. After she cut it and blow dried it I turn around and *GASP* (internally). Holy shit what has she done to my Pretty HAIR?!!!!! My Son likes it (of course). He has likely seen this same color at home. On his sisters BARBIES. Ok, maybe it was worse than that cause Barbie has a better colorist. Mine was YELLOW. And close to WHITE in the BACK where she started. Oh, and the "low lights: almost BLACK in comparison. There were no words. And just for a further visual, I had a BRIGHT pink Shirt on. Barbie. Trailer. Trash. Barbie. The color came out something akin to This:

I paid way too much for what I actually asked her for and yet translated into this horror show of a dye job. Earlier in the Day my curling iron had died, so I was off to Wal-Mart to Buy a new one real quick before going home. I was terrified of going in public like this. I had plugged my dead cell in the car and it rings immediately. It was the hubs. DEMANDING to know where the hell I was. He was nervous cause we were gone waaay longer than it takes for 2 hair cuts. UGH!! Don't mess with me Dude, now is NOT the time. The whole time I was in Wal-Mart I felt like I should be smoking a Cigarette and carrying around my baby in a diaper balanced on my pregnant stomach, fully clothed in a house dress. It was mortifying. So I grabbed a curling iron quickly. The headed to the Hair Color Isle. I know, never process your hair twice in a row. Well SCREW THAT. I bought a kit and payed and rushed home. In my haste i forgot that I would need two so I ended up going back out later on a endless HUNT for another kit. Well I walk in the door and my husband just stares at me. I stare back. "Well, What you think?"... "What do YOU think?" he says. "I Felt like Trailer Trash Barbie Walking through Wal-Mart." This is when I walked in the kitchen with him following me, he hugged me and I started cryin like a little girl. I was so pissed. But Then of course the Male Mind took over and he was a little TOO excited about my trashy hair.

Friday, August 21, 2009
Oooh the Shame....
Hey JUST because I took off the Pajamas and took my hair out of a ponytail and washed my booty, DOES not automatically mean we are LEAVING the house!!! Ok ok, maybe it does. A little. I mean is that the only time I actually make myself presentable? When I am going in public?! I mean I refuse to leave the house without at least mascara (the very least) and my hair must be washed and done. But I do that when we are not going anywhere too. Right? Crap. That's who I have become. The wife who is still in her Jammies when the Money Maker gets home from work. How flippin SAD is that? Because guess what, when little miss perceptive woke up from her nap and asked her question. I was getting ready to go somewhere. My poor husband. Maybe I should try a little harder to be cute when he comes home! But damn, its so nice to shower in PEACE after he gets home... Oh well, guess I will have to sacrifice peace for cuteness/pride. How unfair is it that your 3 year old can shame you?!!
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Missing Friends...
But I miss the Thanksgivings together , the Christmas parties, and the random shopping together, and sharing kids milestones, and even yelling at each others kids like you yell at your own. Because they feel like your family, and why not treat them like it? When we left our Last base, we left our close friends who we called our Step Family because we spent all our time together. How I miss the chaos. I miss their little girl, and I miss the twins. I missed their First Birthday, and their First steps and it kills me. I was looking at her Facebook page and the Pictures of their daughters First Day of Kindergarten. And the pics of the Twins who are now almost 18months old. They look HUGE. And I cried. Because I missed them, and I cried because My BUBS will not know who I am the next time I see him. My Friend Ashley, I miss her honesty and her humor, and I miss venting on the phone and escaping the hectic houses together. Hanging out in each others messy house and not feeling embarrassed because its "just them". I miss having BACKUP!!! Once, we were in Target will all 5 of our kids ( I know, NOT SMART, we should have known) and the kids were TERRIBLE (shocker). And My son, who if you have read my blogs, you know has some issues. Well, all hell broke loose. And I was carrying a screaming kid over my shoulder while pushing a stroller and carrying bags. She was still paying at the register and was following closely behind. This random woman who is coming out of the bathroom, I'll call her "Bitch", Pipes in "SOMEONE needs to get control of her kids". Oh, no, WTH, I HATE THAT. Well, I didn't hear this. But my BACKUP did!! hehehe so Ashley looks at her and says "Mind your F*ing Business! Who the hell are you?! Mom of the F*ing year?". THANK YOU ASHLEY for having my back. Thank you for Not being afraid to cuss out a stranger. After this Target episode we called BOTH of our husbands and demanded they come pick up "their" children. They did, and we continued shopping. In peace. I miss Midnight to 3 am Walmart Trips when the base gate is closed and we have no where else to go.
I digress, Having to leave friends really Bites the Big One. And Today I just found out that they got orders to a base RIGHT BY my awesome in-laws! I'm so freakin Jealous! How awesome would it be to finally live by family. We would have our Real Family and our "Step Family"!! Ugh, I wish we could just move. Damn it.
Since you wanna know...
Check out this APRON giveaway!! I want it...

Good Luck! (ok not really I want to win! )
Sunday, August 16, 2009
Tsk Tsk Tsk....
You Make me Blush! Ok... not really I don't blush easily, but I do have a big cheeeezy Grin on my face so that counts right? Thanks again my dear!
Now, I have been absent from blogging and even from ROLL-calling on SITS most days. My Mom has been here and we have been busy and having a good time! I have been gazing longingly at my computer now and again, and feel the tug. However the brief moments I could spend on it without feeling rude were about long enough to check e-mail. If you were seriously offended, I'm sorry, but you will probably get over it soon, right?
So this week we went fishing again! This time out on the Row boats. It was a great time and I even caught this BABY!! Woooo hooo! The only fish of any real size caught that day was caught by the MASTER. aka : ME! My very own CATFISH! He was floppin' all over the friggen place and snapped my line! =) And this guy right here below was all up our butts and seriously wanted snacks. He came right up and grabbed a French Fry directly out of my hand and took a taste of my finger while he was at it! He must have known I was sweet.
Speaking of SWEET, how flippin' precious is this?! I'm going to keep this forever to show them later when they are near murdering one another.
Last but not least I made something for my awesome Sis in-law. And Let me just say, I LOOOOOOOOVE IT! I told her she better love it too and that if she doesn't she better PRETEND! I was walking through the store and saw something that immediately made me think of her, so I KNEW what I had to do. I had to bust out some creativity and make her something flippin' awesome. I cant wait to Mail it out TOMORROW! I have some pics of it, so let me share...
HAHAHAH! YEAH RIGHT! NOT gunna happen Alicia! You have to wait chica! And apparently so do the rest of you! I'm off to go exercise with the HUBS so I'm outta here! I will catch up some more tomorrow with all you lovelies =)
Friday, August 7, 2009
Warning: Not For Childrens Eyes
Cute right? Harmless little hand painted eggs. Wonder whats inside?! My Daughter did too!! So I have these on a shelf, behind glass and I was sitting on the computer (probably on blogger, woops) and she says "Momma, What are they DOING ?", so I look over because I have no idea what she is talking about and this is what I see :
YUP!!! Cute, right?! Not soooo much.
She had this adorable couple off the egg and in her hand.
I'm Speechless for a moment. So she asks again: "Mom!! WHAT ARE THEY doing? " So I respond: "He is rubbing her back baby", "Why Mom?", "Uh um, because her back hurts", "Why Mom?", "I don't KNOW, it just does", "But what are they doing?", "He is rubbing her back"...... Little Miss is in the WHY stage big time so we had to go through this a couple of times. AHHHHH. HE IS JUST RUBBING HER BACK!!! lol I didn't yell at her really, I did however stress the importance of NOT getting into that cabinet because things are breakable! *shakes head*, I mean really. Of all the things for her to see. I'm really hoping that she forgets about them!! I didn't want my lovely Mom-In Law to miss out on the milestone, so I called her to tell her what went down. And to thank her for such a sweet moment. She thought it was pretty freakin hilarious!! (ok it kinda was). She is sure that it will be forgotten. We'll see if the little SPONGE that is my daughter mentions it again. So thanks to the dirty adolescent mind of my hubby (who OBVIOUSLY didn't forget about them), his Moms generosity, and my Blogger Addiction , my daughter has a totally screwed up idea of what a back rub looks like!!!
Thursday, August 6, 2009
My HOUSE Smells flippin disgusting!!
Saturday, August 1, 2009
The Friend has returned....

And one Trip to the LAB for a blood test, and many many days and nights of panic and fear that I will soon have a price on my head, she came back. I promised I wouldn't curse her, but I swear if she is ever that late again we are going to have problems!! I mean she skipped a WHOLE visit. NOT COOL. not freakin cool. Now I just need to figure out what the deal is. And can I just say, THANK YOU GOD?! I mean now, I for SURE don't have to give up wine. Now I can walk down the stairs in front of my loving husband without having to brace myself for the Shove!! That was a close one! Even My son woke up one morning saying that he had a nightmare... a bad one. That I was going to have another baby!! So I guess we know how this family feels about an addition (at least for the foreseeable future)!! My husband envisions me playing hockey and plummeting down the stairs... and my son loses sleep. So I'm off to drink some more wine and avoid any and all photos of my sweet children as babies!
Sunday, July 26, 2009
Call Me Rosie...

After Changing all the Brakes and Putting All the Tires back on, My Step Mom and I cleaned up all the tools, and then went inside to scrub our hands! =) I had to use a lot of Sugar on mine!! My Dad didn't expect this Girly Girl to really get in there and DO it. I think he thought that I would watch and take off a bolt or 2. And My Mom, well, she laughed hysterically when I told her I was going to do it!! I SHOWED them!! =)
Friday, July 24, 2009

if you can't see the number it is 25 ! (I did a screen shot so it is kinda blurry)
Congratulations Girl! And thank you to all of you who entered! It was fun! Check back for more giveaways in the future!
Now I'm going to Bed.
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Giveaway Ends Tonight!!
Cupcakey Goodness Giveaway
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
I can do it... Right?
Monday, July 20, 2009
Happy Birthday Alicia!
And What Birthday would be complete without sword fighting with the kids?
She Really Looks in her Element doesn't she? Sexy Pregnant Gladiator? Who knew?
And Jordan, well it isn't your Birthday but I figured it was only fair.